Thursday, July 12, 2012

audit storeproc

Here is a good storeproc to audit your database tables for changes

first create table for your audit list

****** Object: Table [dbo].[Auditlist] Script Date: 07/12/2012 15:10:35 ******/ ANSI_NULLS ON QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ANSI_PADDING ON TABLE [dbo].[Auditlist]([sz30tablename] [varchar]

then insert into this the tables you want to audit

insert into auditlist values ('tablename')

then create the proc

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_addaudittable]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_addaudittable]
USE [databasename]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_addaudittable]    Script Date: 07/12/2012 14:46:15 ******/

create proc [dbo].[sp_addaudittable] @tablename varchar(40)
declare @databasename varchar(30)
declare @status  smallint
declare @statement varchar(8000)
declare @id  int
declare @audittable char(50)
declare @identity  tinyint
set nocount on
 if not exists(select name from sysobjects where name = 'Auditlist' and type = 'U')
  print '--Auditlist table does not exist'
  return 1
 if not exists(select name from sysobjects where name = @tablename and type = 'U' and uid = 1)
  print '--Source table does not exist'
  return 1
 if not exists(select sz30tablename from dbo.auditlist where sz30tablename = @tablename)
  insert into dbo.auditlist (sz30tablename) values (@tablename)
 if exists(select name from sysobjects where name like @tablename + '_a' and type = 'U' and uid = 1)
  print '--Audit table already exists - please drop first'
  return 1
 if exists(select name from sysobjects where name like @tablename + '_a' and type = 'U' and uid <> 1)
  print '--Invalid audit table. Not dbo.'
  return 1
 SELECT @databasename = db_name(),@audittable = @tablename+'_a'
 SELECT  @status = (status & 4)
 FROM master..sysdatabases
 WHERE name = db_name()
 if @status = 0
  exec sp_dboption @databasename, 'select into/bulkcopy',TRUE
 if exists(
 FROM  syscolumns
 WHERE  (status & 128) = 128 and
  object_name(id) = @tablename )
  SET @identity = 1
  SET @identity = 0
 if @identity = 0
  SET @statement = 'select * into ' + 'dbo.' + @tablename + '_a from ' + @tablename + ' where 1>2'
  SET @statement = 'select t1.* into ' + 'dbo.' + @tablename + '_a from ' + @tablename + ' t1 join ' + @tablename + ' t2 on t1.identitycol = t2.identitycol where 1>2'
 execute (@statement)
 SELECT @statement = 'alter table dbo.'+ @tablename + '_a ' + 'add sz30auditusername varchar(30) null, sz1auditType char(1) null, sz30audithostname char(30) null, dtaudittimestamp datetime null'
 execute (@statement)
 -- Now we need to get rid of the timestamp column
 declare @TimestampColname varchar(100)

 SELECT @TimestampColname =
 FROM  syscolumns
 JOIN  systypes on syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype
 WHERE like 'Timestamp' and id = object_id(@tablename)

 if @@rowcount > 0
  SET @statement = 'alter table dbo.' + @tablename + '_a drop column ' + @TimestampColname
 -- Now get a list of columns
 declare @cols table (colid int, colname varchar(100))
 INTO @cols
 SELECT  colid,
 FROM  syscolumns
 JOIN  systypes on syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype
 WHERE not like 'timestamp' and id = object_id(@tablename)
 declare @colname varchar(100)
 declare @colnames varchar(8000)
 declare @first tinyint
 SET @colnames = ''
 SET @first = 1
 while (1>0)
  SELECT  @colname = colname
  FROM @cols
  WHERE colid = (SELECT min(colid)
    FROM @cols)
  if @@rowcount = 0
   if @first = 1
    SET @first = 0
    SET @colnames = @colnames + ','
  SET @colnames = @colnames + '[' + @colname+']'
  FROM @cols
  WHERE colname = @colname
 declare @addcols varchar(1000)
 SET @addcols = ',[sz30auditusername],[sz1auditType],[sz30audithostname],[dtaudittimestamp]'
 select @id = deltrig from sysobjects where name = @tablename and type = 'U'
 if @id = 0
  print '--Warning this table has no delete trigger - Printing please run'
  SELECT @statement = 'Create trigger tr' + @tablename + 'Delete on ' + @tablename + ' for delete as if exists(select sz30tablename from auditlist where sz30tablename=''' + @tablename + ''') insert into ' + @tablename + '_a (' + @colnames+ @addcols + ') select ' + @colnames +',user_name(),''D'',host_name(),getdate() from deleted'
  print @statement
  print 'go'
  if not exists(select * from sysdepends where depid = object_id('auditlist') and id = @id)
   print '--Warning this table''s delete trigger does not access audit log'
  if not exists(select * from sysdepends where depid = object_id(@audittable) and id = @id)
   print '--Warning this table''s delete trigger does not insert into audit log'
  SELECT @statement = 'Create trigger tr' + @tablename + 'Delete on ' + @tablename + ' for delete as if exists(select sz30tablename from auditlist where sz30tablename=''' + @tablename + ''') insert into ' + @tablename + '_a (' + @colnames+ @addcols + ') select ' + @colnames +',user_name(),''D'',host_name(),getdate() from deleted'
  print @statement
  print 'go'
 select @id = Updtrig from sysobjects where name = @tablename and type = 'U'
 if @id = 0
  print '--Warning this table has no update trigger - Printing please run'
  SELECT @statement = 'Create trigger tr' + @tablename + 'Update on ' + @tablename + ' for update as if exists(select sz30tablename from auditlist where sz30tablename=''' + @tablename + ''') insert into ' + @tablename + '_a (' + @colnames+ @addcols + ') select ' + @colnames +',user_name(),''U'',host_name(),getdate() from inserted'
  print @statement
  print 'go'
  if not exists(select * from sysdepends where depid = object_id('auditlist') and id = @id)
   print '--Warning this table''s update trigger does access audit log'
  if not exists(select * from sysdepends where depid = object_id(@audittable) and id = @id)
   print '--Warning this table''s update trigger does not insert into audit log'
  SELECT @statement = 'Create trigger tr' + @tablename + 'Update on ' + @tablename + ' for update as if exists(select sz30tablename from auditlist where sz30tablename=''' + @tablename + ''') insert into ' + @tablename + '_a (' + @colnames+ @addcols + ') select ' + @colnames +',user_name(),''U'',host_name(),getdate() from inserted'
  print @statement
  print 'go'
 select @id = Instrig from sysobjects where name = @tablename and type = 'U'
 if @id = 0
  print '--Warning this table has no insert trigger - Printing please run'
  SELECT @statement = 'Create trigger tr' + @tablename + 'Insert on ' + @tablename + ' for insert as if exists(select sz30tablename from auditlist where sz30tablename=''' + @tablename + ''') insert into ' + @tablename + '_a (' + @colnames+ @addcols + ') select ' + @colnames +',user_name(),''I'',host_name(),getdate() from inserted'
  print @statement
  print 'go'
  if not exists(select * from sysdepends where depid = object_id('auditlist') and id = @id)
   print '--Warning this table''s insert trigger does access audit log'
  if not exists(select * from sysdepends where depid = object_id(@audittable) and id = @id)
   print '--Warning this table''s insert trigger does not insert into audit log'
  SELECT @statement = 'Create trigger tr' + @tablename + 'Insert on ' + @tablename + ' for insert as if exists(select sz30tablename from auditlist where sz30tablename=''' + @tablename + ''') insert into ' + @tablename + '_a (' + @colnames+ @addcols + ') select ' + @colnames +',user_name(),''I'',host_name(),getdate() from inserted'
  print @statement
  print 'go'
 if @status = 0
  exec sp_dboption @databasename, 'select into/bulkcopy',FALSE


then run proc

exec sp_addaudittable 'tablename'

This will create a table tablename_a

it will then print the code to create the triggers, copy this out and run it into the database you now have the triggers for audit.


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